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Get Started with Our SDR Modules and Platforms

Our developers have done all the hard work for you. Download software development manuals, user’s manuals, and more to get started with our SDR products.


The Sidekiq family of products provides a breakthrough small form-factor software defined radio (SDR) transceiver solution, ready for integration into systems that support either Mini PCIe or M.2 card form factors.


The Sidekiq family of products provides a breakthrough small form-factor software defined radio (SDR) transceiver solution, ready for integration into systems that support either MiniPCIe or M.2 card form factors.


An industrial grade, highly integrated wideband RF transceiver plus Linux computer on a tiny module measuring just 30mm x 51mm x 5mm. Sidekiq Z2 radically simplifies the typical RF product development cycle, allowing engineering teams to focus their efforts on their application instead of time-consuming RF design and integration tasks.


A highly integrated SDR module in M.2-2280 form factor with a 30 MHz to 6 GHz RF transceiver, integrated GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), flexible Rx pre-select filtering, on-card programmable logic, and a PCIe interface.


The Sidekiq™ NV800 integrates eight high-performance receivers in a single SDR platform, enabling a wide range of multi-channel applications. Leveraging the open architecture VITA49 standard for digitized RF streaming and advanced features like phase coherency, fast hopping, and WhiteRabbit synchronization, this SDR platform puts you at the forefront of your RF missions.


A highly integrated SDR module in M.2-2280 form factor with a 70 MHz to 6 GHz RF transceiver, integrated GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), flexible Rx pre-select filtering, on-card programmable logic, and a PCIe interface.


A multi-channel RF transceiver card that introduces a new level of RF integration and capability, speeding product development cycles and improving wideband range versatility and performance.


A Single Wideband RF Card With Multi-Receive/Multi-Transmit Capabilities


CMOSS/SOSA-aligned, 3U VPX, multichannel RF tuner solution



The Matchstiq™ X40 enables AI and ML techniques to push to the RF edge for high-frequency and wide bandwidth applications. A highly integrated architecture combines an RF front end, RF transceivers, FPGA, and Nvidia CPU/GPU into a single small form factor platform ready for deployment.


The Matchstiq™ G20 and G40 provide a low SWaP platform ready for AI and ML applications. Integrating the Sidekiq™ NV100, the G20, and G40 offer multi-channel SDR capability with an integrated Nvidia CPU/GPU for advanced signal processing in a small form factor package.

Get Started with our integrated systems

From quick start guides to user’s manuals, you can download everything you need to get the full benefits of our integrated, end-to-end solutions here.


Skylight™ is a software application that runs on Epiq Solutions software defined radios to provide low SWAP / high performance 5G NR, LTE, UMTS, EVDO, CDMA2k and Wi-Fi® survey and network characterization


PRiSM™ is a handheld network scanner and spectrum analyzer. It transforms mobile devices into advanced scanners for affordable, scalable, in-depth RF spectrum monitoring and analysis of 5G, 4G, and P25.


A modern approach to the Spectrum Analyzer that is easy to use and can be integrated into commercial laptops or tablets.

case studies

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Get Tips and Advice

Learn from our RF and development experts

Building and Verifying SOSA-Aligned Phase Coherent RF Systems

Delve into the importance of phase-coherent operation in RF environments, offering detailed insights into achieving and measuring phase coherence with the Sidekiq™ X4.

Ethernet vs. PCIe - Exploring Options for High-Throughput, Low-Latency Data Transport in SOSA-Aligned Systems

In order to be effective, data transport rates associated with electronic warfare (EW), spectrum monitoring and signal intelligence (SIGINT) applications require fast, highly complex RF processing platforms to handle high-throughput, low-latency signal digitization and transport.

How Public-Private Research Pioneered Next Gen Wireless Detection

Epiq Solutions has extensive experience working with government entities to innovate products that solve tough challenges in RF environments. This whitepaper highlights one such story, their collaboration with the U.S.

Considerations in the Build vs Buy Decision-Making Process for SDRs

Flexibility and enhanced performance offered by software-defined radios (SDRs) in RF transceiver applications are driving an increased demand for their use across many industries. Coupled with the rise of 5G, it is no surprise that the projected market for SDRs is in the tens of billions of dollars by 2027.

Will It Blend? Finding the Right Host Computer for an Embedded SDR

We know that the success of most RF product development projects rests with selecting the correct host computer module. In this white paper, we share our decades of real world experience with you in the exploration of the most critical considerations that go into evaluating host computers.

Diagnosing Common SDR Data Issues

Identifying SDR data issues can be time-consuming. Additionally, issues may require a variety of fixes depending on what technician is close to the metal. Consider this white paper a deep dive into diagnosing the most common SDR data issues and how to prevent them with Epiq Solutions.


We’ll be happy to answer any questions or tell you more about our tech. Just drop in your details below.